What is an Individual Voluntary Arrangement? Why Should I Apply?

What is an Individual Voluntary Arrangement?

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a formal debt solution that allows people to pay back a portion of their unsecured debts over time, and write off any that they can’t afford. This can help people with serious debt problems to regain control of their finances and get their lives back on track.

IVAs are available in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. They can be set up as monthly instalments or a lump sum. You must qualify to make an IVA.

How an Individual Voluntary Arrangement works

An IVA is an agreement between you and your creditors to repay a portion of your debts. It’s a legally binding deal that needs to be agreed by at least 75% of your creditors.

It’s a formal process that usually lasts for around five years (depending on the length of the IVA). You can release equity from your property as part of your IVA, and it can also include one-off settlements.

If you’ve got mortgage or rent arrears, it’s important to check with a free debt adviser about whether your creditors will agree to this in your IVA. They may not, so you could end up paying more than you can afford.

Your credit score is likely to be affected by an IVA. It will be on your credit report for six years, but once it’s marked ‘completed’ your score will start to improve.

We can help you find the right debt solution for your situation. Book your free initial consultation today!

Apply for an IVA Today