SEO strategy (search engine optimization) involves a series of linked activities. These activities must be done in sequence, starting with strategic placement of keywords, followed by strategically building links, and finally optimizing content for the search engines. This content is then presented to the targeted audience and hopefully gets enough traction to result in organic traffic. Ideally, SEO strategy should include these four elements:

Keywords. Keywords provide the foundation for the rest of the SEO strategy. The keywords selected for the topic cluster will help search engines find the topic of your blog or site most often. Optimizing a blog around one keyword, while leaving enough room for subtopics, can be tricky. By optimizing a site around at least two main keywords, you’ll optimize for both search volumes relevant to that topic and enough search volume relative to other competing keywords.

Content. Once you have your topic and keywords, it’s time to optimize your content for search volumes. Search engines are particularly sensitive to sparse and ill-defined content, and will often rank sites lower based on their inability to reliably identify and classify unique content. This is why, as part of your SEO strategy, you may also want to take advantage of rich results feeds. Feeds provide search engines with rich information about your posts, providing an opportunity to use strong keywords and anchor text to drive relevant traffic back to your site.

Posting. Optimizing your site for search engines requires you to create content. The easiest way to create this content is to simply write it! The challenge is not so much writing the articles themselves, but rather, how you position them in your post. Your titles should clearly identify your primary keywords but should also serve the purpose of informing readers of your primary focus, which is to drive traffic to your content.

Keyword Positioning. SEO is all about getting in front of as many potential customers as possible with your SEO strategy. To do this, focus on creating quality content around your keywords, and make sure that each article focuses on a single keyword or key phrase. Keyword and SEO positioning play a critical role in search engine optimization and can influence your page one ranking as well as make or break the performance of your website.

Back linking building. While SEO is largely a numbers game, a good SEO strategy also requires you to build links to your site. This strategy is particularly effective when used with a well-written SEO content, as it helps you achieve higher rankings through natural or organic listings on search engines. Keyword and SEO position to play a critical role in search engine optimization, and can influence your page one ranking as well as make or break the performance of your website. Keyword and SEO positioning play a critical role in search engine optimization and can influence your page one ranking as well as make or break the performance of your website.

The Short Squeeze Technique. When used properly, this SEO strategy can be a powerful one. The short squeeze deals with providing SEO rich content in exchange for some back links, which will improve your rankings in search engines rank your content with high authority. The longer you hold out, the less effect this strategy will have, and you’ll only hurt yourself instead of helping your site.Get in touch to Seo agency london

Meta Descriptions and Internal Linking. SEO isn’t all about building links and making your site popular, though. In order to optimize your site for search engines, it’s also important to create quality content with relevant keywords, as well as to optimize your internal linking to make sure that you’re not penalized by Google for what seems like a perfectly honest mistake. Learning how to master these basic SEO strategies will go far towards making you an expert in the field of internet marketing, which is precisely what you need if you want to build a profitable online business. This lesson was designed to teach you three of the most important takeaways from SEO strategy, and gave you a glimpse into the world of internet marketing, and into the business of making money on the internet through SEO strategy.